ANASTASIA First National Tour
“The cast does a terrific job of brining life to this beautiful show. This cast consists of a trio of actors that bring a balance to the darker elements of the show with the humor they bring. Those actors are Jake Levy as Dimitri, Jeremiah Ginn as Vlad, and Allison Ewing as Countess Lily. Levy and Ginn bring comedy do the first act as they plan the scheme to pass Anya off as Anastasia. Ewing brings humor to the second half as she dreams of what Russia used to be.” - DC Felton,
MURDER FOR TWO National Tour
"Jeremiah Ginn entertains at warped speed while playing the piano and all of the suspects in Murder for Two, the two-man murder mystery. Ginn outdoes himself repeatedly through a very rapid 90-minute show, even dancing on his knees as three not-so-clean-cut members of a boys choir." - Andrew Meacham, Tampa Bay Times
"As for Ginn, he’s funny beyond words, and his energy level is inspiring. When Ginn becomes Steph, he actually does seem for fleeting moments to have transformed into this sweetly silly undergraduate...There’s nothing as unfunny as an actor trying too hard to be funny, and nothing more truly amusing than one who appears sincerely immersed in a character’s psyche and worldview, no matter how absurd that worldview may be." - Juliet Wittman, Denver Westword
A CHORUS LINE National Tour
"Jeremiah Ginn brings unexpected depth to harsh, unlikeable choreographer Zach. I've seen the show several times; his was the first portrayal to humanize the character and allow audiences inside Zach's driven, workaholic shell." - Chris Silk, Naples News
"Jeremiah Ginn as the director Zach was stern and surly, but touching when it appeared that his dancers were really hurt, emotionally or physically. He also showed that he could dance as well as any member of the chorus (which, from what I understand, is not always the case)." - Robert Mitchell, KDHX Community Media
9 to 5 (North Shore Music Theatre)
"Some other standout performers in the show are...Jeremiah Ginn as Dick, (who) is wonderful as Judy's cheating husband." - Tony Annicone, Theater Mirror